How to install Oracle VM 3.4

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Oracle VM for X86 is  a native hypervisor which is directly runs on the host’s hardware.This hypervisor is based on xen technology and it requires very small footprint on the hard drive to install it.Oracle VM server is directly installed on the baremetal computer and it contains the oracle VM agent to manage the communication with oracle VM manager. By default, this hypervisor system is called dom0 (Domain zero) which also be called  privileged domain since it has direct access with hardware. Virtual machines will be called as domU which is unprivileged domain and doesn’t have direct control on the hardware.

The below image shows the oracle VM for x86 components:

Here we will see the installation of dom0 (dom zero) / Oracle VM server . This installation will be almost similar to Linux installation.

1. Download the oracle VM server from oracle  and Burn it in  DVD . Insert the DVD in to physical server .

2.Power on the server and select the DVD/CD as boot device.Once you get the boot prompt , just enter to continue.

Oracle VM server welcome screen

2.Skip the DVD check .

Skip the DVD check

3.Select the keyboard layout. Let me go with default one.

Select the Keyboard Layout

4.Accept the license .

5.Erase the data on the disks and continue.

Erase the data on disks

6.Select the disks for oracle vm server installation.

Select the Disk for OVS installation

7.Click on yes to remove existing partitions.

Click on Yes to remove existing Partitions

9.Select the boot order. Just continue with defaults.

Boot order of the OVS

10. Setting Kdump Info

Kdump Info

11.Select the interface for oracle VM server management.

oracle Management Network Interface

12.Enter the Static IP and Netmask for oracle VM server.

Enter the Static IP

13.Specify the Gateway . If you don’t have one ,just leave it blank and proceed. I don’t need to specify gateway since all the servers are in same network.

Enter the Gateway.

14.Enter the Oracle VM server hostname.

Enter the hostname

15.Select the timezone according to your region.


16.Enter the ovs-agent password.You need to provide this password to connect to OVM manager.

Enter OVS password

17.Enter the OVS server root password. This is typical Operating system super user password.

Enter OVS root password

18.Now the installation will kick off. It will hardly take  10 minutes.

Installing OVS

19.Reboot the node once the installation is completed.

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